Commercial Building

If you’re considering buying, renting, renting out, selling or renovating commercial property in London, you may wish – or be obliged – to find a commercial building surveyor. Spotting a building’s defects can help you negotiate a serious reduction in a property’s asking price, or save you from a bad investment altogether. One of our RICS-compliant commercial surveys, available in London and Surrey, could save you from difficulty if you ever have to go to law – over a claim on an insurance policy, or as part of a dispute between a landlord and a tenant.


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Commercial Building
Survey Benefits

If you’re considering buying, renting, renting out, selling or renovating commercial property in London, you may wish – or be obliged – to find a commercial building surveyor. Spotting a building’s defects can help you negotiate a serious reduction in a property’s asking price, or save you from a bad investment altogether. One of our RICS-compliant commercial surveys, available in London and Surrey, could save you from difficulty if you ever have to go to law – over a claim on an insurance policy, or as part of a dispute between a landlord and a tenant.

– Commercial surveys can be useful for avoiding legal disputes if you are going to buy or sell a property, lease or let one.

– If you get a property survey, you can avoid surprise and expensive repair bills later on.

– A property survey can be useful if you think you are paying too little or too much for a building.

– You may need a commercial survey if you are going to do renovations or build new structures somewhere.

– A good commercial surveyor can give you the upper hand in a negotiation.

– A good commercial survey can keep you from paying too much for insurance – or too little.

– Your surveyor can give you advice on the long-term maintenance needs of the building you are considering for a commercial survey.

Our skilled panel of London commercial surveyors possess a large amount of knowledge and top of the range tools to examine every exposed, suitable and evident area of a property. Once they have completed the inspection you will be given a comprehensive report and photographs which show evidence of any defects and general costed estimates of any essential repairs.

Different Types of Commercial
Building Surveys

Like home buyer surveys, commercial surveys require a chartered surveyor to inspect the state of the roof, walls and floors, both inside and outside the building. Beyond that, your commercial building surveyor will suggest tests to look at the likes of electrical and gas utilities as functioning – they’re not there to examine or assess it, only test it.


Our panel of London surveyors are able to undertake a pre-acquisition survey of a building prior to you taking up a lease or purchasing in order to assess the building’s condition and repair needs, enabling you to plan and budget for future expenditure and liabilities. Pre-acquisition surveys can be carried out for both tenants and landlords.

Schedule of Condition

In preparation for renting or leasing a property, this review outlines the state of a building before it is serviced. Conditions schedules safeguard renters from unjustifiable rent increase payments told by property owners. They urge landowners make positive tenants satisfy their lease.


If you assign your tenant with the liability to pay for repair costs for any disrepair to your building, you will be required to provide them with a Schedule of Dilapidations, illustrating the nature of the works required, estimates of costs and estimated duration.

If you are a Tenant and feel you have been treated unfairly, it may be prudent to consider engaging the services of a Surveyor who can instruct a report on your behalf and present impartial advice.

Maintenance & Repair

Almost every property conceals costly defects. Surveyors can pinpoint structural damage and give cost guidance for remedies and reserves, allowing you to preserve your well-being and predict impending issues.

Cost of Commercial Building
Survey in London

The cost of a commercial survey will largely depend on what kind of survey you need to have completed and how long the survey will take. To put it in simple terms the larger the plot of land or the property the more costly the survey will be. However, all properties that are of equal size that are located in the same area of London can have vastly outputting prices for a commercial survey, this is due to the extra charges allocated for specific factors, this can be due to the shape of the property (including the boundary).

Building surveyors in the commercial sector often depend on pre-existing information in order to produce a survey report. If this pre-existing information is not available, for example legal documents such as deeds, the surveyor will have more work to do, which will increase the price of the survey. The cost of a survey can also be affected by the location of the building, its current condition and the complexity of the survey. If you have any queries, just contact us so we can advise you on the survey required and the costs involved.