Commercial Property
Surveyors in London

If you’re buying, selling or leasing commercial real estate, making sure you get the help of a London commercial property surveyor could be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Our panel of surveyors are highly skilled in all areas of commercial property in London and the Home Counties. They are registered with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the world’s leading professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property, infrastructure and construction. As the surveyors are independent, you can be sure the advice they give you is entirely impartial.


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What is Commercial
Property Surveying?

Commercial Property Surveyors are individuals who are highly trained in surveying different types of commercial buildings. This may involve various venues like home rentals, office spaces, store buildings, and warehouse and depot areas. In general, they are hired by the tenant, landlord, buyer or seller of a property, as the case may be and can handle a variety of tasks including:

  • defect reporting
  • building maintenance.
  • Schedule of Condition
  • Schedule of Dilapidations
  • advice on UK regulations and legislation on construction

A lot of commercial property surveyors concentrate in the sectors that attracted their interest based on their preferences, for example, management of land, buying, selling, and leasing, or designing of a property.

Different types of Commercial
Property Surveys

The surveyors in the commercial team deliver a range of property surveys to match your requirements. These may include the following:

Building Surveys

A commercial building survey is an extensive report that can define and describe each individual physical element of the building. The building survey will highlight any building defects and will identify the type of materials used during construction.
Commercial buildings are most of the time very different to residential buildings and are often made from reinforced concrete, steel and cladding, this means approaching the survey in a different way to the one used for a residential building survey. It will suggest any remedial works that need to be carried out and substantiate any claim for a price reduction.

Schedule of Condition

A Schedule of Condition is a description of the condition of a property at a specific point in time, usually with photographs taken as supporting evidence. It is a document frequently produced for property owners and new tenants which can provide clarity as to who is responsible for what damage when the lease comes to an end, and can save a lot of hassle or expense on the way.

When you sign the lease, the Schedule of Condition determines whether you are responsible for any property damage in existence before the start of your lease. When you are a landlord, the Schedule of Condition can avoid a very contentious bit of litigation at the end of the lease, serving as evidence. The saving will almost certainly run into several thousand pounds, particularly in commercial land or buildings in London.

Schedule of Dilapidations

Typically conducted at the conclusion of a lease, the Schedule of Dilapidations details the repairs that need to be made by the tenant. The surveyor can also offer guidance on the steps necessary to reach an agreement of settlement and can act for either landlord or tenant if disputes arise.

Benefits of using a Commercial Property Surveyor

As a purchaser, vendor or tenant of a commercial property it is important for you to have interests protected with a commercial property surveyor.

Your property surveyor can assist you in understanding your legal obligations and in safeguarding your interests as per the lease agreement. Any likely problems may be resolved without the need for litigation. In addition, this collaboration will make it easier for the estate manager to communicate with you and your clients.

Examples include:

  • trying to get your tenant to perform repairs to your building
  • a buyer interested in investing in land
  • a neighbour in a boundary dispute

Your RICS surveyor in London will be there to support you whether it’s lease renewals, rent reviews, purchases, sales or any commercial property undertaking.