Regrettably, perspectives on property frequently diverge, often invoking protracted, expensive and stressful legal disputes. A Chartered Surveyor can compile a detailed Expert Witness Report for London properties, explaining to you in Plain English their professional view on the question and substantiating your argument with irrefutable evidence. And if necessary, they can also attend court to ensure your side of the story is heard. An RICS expert witness surveyor in London can help you achieve the following:
Our panel of highly experienced surveyors can provide you with an Expert Witness Report for almost any property-related issue, including:
Your surveyor will offer you insight, evidence and resolution to help settle your dispute and reach an agreement as quickly as possible, hopefully, without the need for further court appearances. In the process, they will protect you from erroneous claims, saving you money and heartache in the long run.
Chartered surveyors can support you by providing evidence on legal matters including:
You can have confidence in the London team of RICS Expert Witness surveyors because of the following: