Roof Survey in London –

If you are looking to put in an insurance claim for roof repairs and need to ascertain what repairs are required, our panel of skilled RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Roof Surveyors are here to help. Their independent reports provide a detailed diagnosis of the condition of your roof, detailing any damage that is not your fault and the repairs necessary. This could be quite crucial for your insurance or if you have to go to court. Our panel of experienced Roof Surveyors will more than likely check the bases, tiles, chutes, chimneys, lead works and soakaways. You will be given a comprehensive document outlining the condition of your roof, expert recommendations and a quote for how much it will cost to rectify.

What is a Roof Survey?

Once your surveyor can safely gain access to your roof they will then Inspect your roof visually to evaluate the condition of the current roof covering and its associated components. During this process, they will inspect all aspects of your roofing system to make sure you are provided with a comprehensive survey. Utilising specialist equipment such as pole cameras for areas which are difficult to access or are a danger to safety, your surveyor can expand their vision to higher, unseen or hazardous roof sections without compromising safety or the Integrity of your roof.

What is included in the Roof
Survey Report?

A detailed roof inspection report will give you quite a few key pieces of information including:

  1. Remaining Lifespan: your surveyor typically considers the remaining lifespan of your roof by evaluating the age and condition. This analysis is to predict how long the roofing can remain until significant repairs or overhaul is required.
  2. Repair v Replacement: you must analyse whether it is more cost-effective to repair any visible damage or simply replace the roof. This depends on the extent of the damage, the age of the roof, and any costs associated with each option.
  3. Overall condition: a good roof survey will also detail the general state of repair of the roof. This will include such points as conditions of cracks, leaks, torn or missing tiles. This is critical since any fault on the roof can lead to penetration of rainwater which may lead to consequences. A buyer should consider a roof that is well repaired to escape these dangers. The surveyor will also look if the roof is in a good structural condition.
  1. Gutters and Drainage Systems: a complete inspection to make sure the gutters and drainage systems are free and flowing with proper alignment to direct water away.
  2. Chimneys and other features: additional features such as chimneys, vents, skylights, etc. will also be inspected for structural stability, and any signs of wear or damage.

This complete inspection does much more than just give you the current condition of your roof; it also give you the knowledge to make an educated decision. Whether you are deciding on maintenance, repair or replacement this inspection will provide you the insight of what to do to insure not just the safety but the longevity of your property.

Roof Survey Reports for Leaseholders

Many leaseholders will rely on their freeholder to maintain and repair their roof. Our panel’s survey services can have an important part to play:

  1. Damage Assessment: if you suffer issues such as the roof leaking, the surveying team will conduct a comprehensive survey to ascertain where the damage is located and the extent of it.
  2. Report Preparation for Freeholder Communication: the surveyor will put together a detailed report that will contain all aspects of the damage and the work required. They will write this report to communicate efficiently with your freeholder and press the need for prompt action.
  3. Legal Support: in the event you need to take action to make your freeholder carry out their responsibility to repair and maintain the roof, the reports on your house will be a great help. As an exhibit, it establishes the condition of the roof and proves your freeholder responsibilities.

Roof Surveys for Insurance Claim

The need for an independent survey report is when making a claim through your insurance company for repairs to your roof. The report will detail the extent and nature of the damage and what repairs are necessary to bring the property back to a wind and watertight condition. The team can therefore assist in the process in a number of ways:

Comprehensive documentation: compiling any damage that has occurred will save you both time and money. The surveyor’s examination will include: a complete roof survey and a written inspection report itemising the damage, and photography of your home with the location of the loss area clearly marked.

Help With Insurance Claims: the report delivered is aimed to help you in your claim process with you insurance carrier. By providing an independent and detailed account of the findings the team can help guarantee that your insurance carrier meets their obligations and grants you your rightful coverage for repair works.

Roof Inspections for Planning

When planning your roof works it is important to consider whether or not a survey or inspection of the roof prior to works is necessary. For simple roofing works such as strip and re-roof, it is unlikely that such inspection will be necessary but it is recommended for more complex works where the current condition of the roof is unknown and works could possibly increase risk of leak damage.

As the responsibility of maintaining the roof usually falls to the freeholder, surveying services are often vital to leasehold owners.

  1. Identification: the expert surveyor sent to you will find the cause to any leaking roofs and find the damage that has been caused. This is done by them inspecting your roof in and out of the building.
  1. Report Writing for Landlords: after making a thorough inspection, the results of our findings are compiled into a comprehensive report. You can then submit this report to the landlord so that they can take care of the repair work.
  1. Roof Investigation for Legal Disputes: if your landlord is unresponsive or refuses to do the necessary repairs, the roof investigation survey will be key. This survey can be used as evidence if legal action becomes necessary to ensure that the repairs are made.